Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Saleem Peeradina's "Final Cut"
Woman Warrior
Do not count the hours::
Suppress the hardness rising up in your throat.
Pick up the task where you
left off, blow the dust away
to see the world.
Engage every muscle of your
soul to layer your pagoda—
first light, then color, then a pair of
Will your thoughts to the
your words, their animators.
what-is-a-woman-supposed-to-do question is a yew
at your past funeral:
In recent lives it has become
in the palm of your hand.
Look wild; you are full of
the un-maya, the light
in the far reaches of your limbs holding you
Wrest your image from
the-wife-of, sharpen your trident,
tuck your sari edge into your waist,
Adjust your seat on the
tiger’s brilliant spine,
readying for the fight.
Pramila Venkateswaran, Behind Dark Waters (Plain View Press, 2008).